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Kubernetes Docker Cluster

October 30, 2019 | (Last Update : October 29, 2019)
Kubernetes Docker Cluster Kubernetes Docker HDP Hortonworks Hortonworks Data Platform Kerberos Ambari Hadoop cluster Apache Ranger Apache Knox Gateway Ranger Knox Hadoop REST API REST API Apache Atlas Atlas ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Cluster in-memory Kubernetes Docker Cluster

Kubernetes is an open source platform for managing containerized applications developed by Google. It allows you to manage, scale, and automatically deploy your containerized applications in the clustered environment. With Kubernetes, we can orchestrate our containers across multiple hosts, scale the containerized applications with all resources on the fly, and have centralized container management environment.


Greenplum for Kubernetes

October 30, 2019 | (Last Update : October 29, 2019)
Greenplum Greenplum cluster HDP Hortonworks Hortonworks Data Platform Kerberos Ambari Hadoop cluster Apache Ranger Apache Knox Gateway Ranger Knox Hadoop REST API REST API Apache Atlas Atlas ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Cluster in-memory Greenplum for Kubernetes

This topic describes how to install Pivotal Greenplum for Kubernetes. The installation process involves loading the Greenplum for Kubernetes container images into your container registry, and then using the helm package manager to install the Greenplum Operator resource in Kubernetes. After the Greenplum Operator resource is available, you can interact with it to deploy and manage Greenplum clusters in Kubernetes.


Secure CockroachDB Cluster on Ubuntu

October 29, 2019 | (Last Update : October 28, 2019)
CockroachDB Cluster CockroachDB HDP Hortonworks Hortonworks Data Platform Kerberos Ambari Hadoop cluster Apache Ranger Apache Knox Gateway Ranger Knox Hadoop REST API REST API Apache Atlas Atlas ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Cluster in-memory Secure CockroachDB Cluster on Ubuntu

CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database for building global, scalable cloud services. CockroachDB is an open source and cloud-native SQL database developed by the CockroachLabs. It's a distributed SQL database built on the transactional and key-value store. CockroachDB is scalable SQL database which has been compared to Google Spanner database. It's based on the PostgreSQL protocol wire and production ready.


Apache Hive 3 architectural overview

October 29, 2019 | (Last Update : October 28, 2019)
Apache Hive 3 Hive 3 HDP Hortonworks Hortonworks Data Platform Kerberos Ambari Hadoop cluster Apache Ranger Apache Knox Gateway Ranger Knox Hadoop REST API REST API Apache Atlas Atlas ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Cluster in-memory Apache Hive 3 architectural overview

Understanding Apache Hive 3 major design changes, such as default ACID transaction processing and support for only the thin hive client, can help you use new features to address the growing needs of enterprise data warehouse systems.


Hortonworks Data Platform 3.1.4. HDP Security Features

October 29, 2019 | (Last Update : October 28, 2019)
HDP Hortonworks Hortonworks Data Platform Kerberos Ambari Hadoop cluster Apache Ranger Apache Knox Gateway Ranger Knox Hadoop REST API REST API Apache Atlas. Atlas ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Cluster in-memory Hortonworks Data Platform 3.1.4. HDP Security Features

HDP uses Apache Ranger to provide centralized security administration and management. The Ranger Administration Portal is the central interface for security administration. You can use Ranger to create and update policies, which are then stored in a policy database.


RabbitMQ Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

October 29, 2019 | (Last Update : October 28, 2019)
RabbitMQ Cluster RabbitMQ erlang erlang.cookie elixir RabbitMQ Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

RabbitMQ is an open source message-broker software that originally implemented the AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) protocol, and while it has been developed and extended in order to support other protocols such as STOMP (Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol), and MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). A message-queueing / message-broker software is used for sending and receiving messages between distributed systems, applications, and services. RabbitMQ is written in the Erlang programming language, it offers support for client interfaces and libraries for all major programming languages including Python, NodeJS, Java, PHP etc.. In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a RabbitMQ Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04 Server. I will install a RabbitMQ Cluster using three Ubuntu servers, enable the RabbitMQ Management, and Setup the HA policy for all nodes.


Kubernetes Cluster for Deploy Nginx Load Balancing on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

October 28, 2019 | (Last Update : October 27, 2019)
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster Nginx Nginx Load Balancing Kubernetes Cluster for Deploy Nginx Load Balancing on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Kubernetes is a free and open-source container orchestration system that can be used to deploy and manage container. It was developed by Google and specially designed for autoscaling and automated deployments. Kubernetes can run on any cloud infrastructure and bare metal. Kubernetes enables you to distribute multiple applications across a cluster of nodes. Kubernetes comes with a rich set of features including, Self-healing, Auto-scalability, Load balancing, Batch execution, Horizontal scaling, Service discovery, Storage orchestration and many more..


MongoDB Sharded Cluster on CentOS 7

October 28, 2019 | (Last Update : October 27, 2019)
MongoDB Sharded Cluster MongoDB MongoDB Sharded Cluster on CentOS 7

Sharding is a MongoDB process to store data-set across different machines. It allows you to perform a horizontal scale of data and to partition all data across independent instances. Sharding allows you to add more machines based on data growth to your stack.


Big Data security on facebook, {File Integrity Monitoring (FIM)} using osquery on Linux

October 28, 2019 | (Last Update : October 27, 2019)
File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) File Integrity Monitoring osquery Big Data security on facebook, {File Integrity Monitoring (FIM)} using osquery on Linux

Osquery created by Facebook. Osquery is an open source operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics. Created by Facebook, it exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database that can be queried using SQL-based queries. Maintaining real-time insight into the current state of your infrastructure is important. At Facebook, we’ve been working on a framework called osquery which attempts to approach the concept of low-level operating system monitoring a little differently. Introducing osquery. Osquery created by Facebook.


Apache ZooKeeper Cluster & (Reverse Engineer source code) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

October 28, 2019 | (Last Update : October 27, 2019)
ZooKeeper ZooKeeper Cluster in-memory Apache ZooKeeper Cluster & (Reverse Engineer source code) on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Youtube channel (Reverse Engineer source code) ZooKeeper :: for Enterprise Architect's powerful code engineering features is the ability to Reverse Engineer source code into a UML model.(Reverse Engineer source code) ZooKeeper : код hortonworks : : zookeeper-release-HDP- zookeeper-release-HDP- (Reverse Engineer source code) ZooKeeper :: for Architect: (Reverse Engineer source code)zookeeper-release-HDP-

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